This bouquet is inspired by Monets “Water Lilies”.
With this set you can craft three pink hydrangeae, two purple double lillies, two beige roses, two buds and a greenery.
The set comes with:
- 137 pipe cleaners (60 pink, 37 beige, 21 green, 16 purple, 2 light green, 1 dark purple)
- 10 floral stem wires
- green floral tape
- Pattex® super glue
- ribbon
- monet paper for decoration
- pink wrapping paper
- instructions for the flowers
- video tutorial
The crafting set includes everything to create your own flower bouquet. It’s the perfect gift idea for you loved ones and a super cute way to decorate.
Note: This set just provides the material the get the result you see in the picture, but you have to craft the flowers yourself, but this is the most fun part 🙂
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